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Vite Plugin PWA GitHub repo你可以找到一系列示例项目.

所有的示例项目都在仓库根目录的 examples 包/目录中.


The main purpose of these examples projects is to test the service worker and not to meet the PWA 最低要求, that is, if you use any of these examples for your projects, you will need to modify the code supplied and then test that it meets the PWA 最低要求. Almost all the examples projects should meet PWA 最低要求, but you must check it on your target project.

All the examples projects use @rollup/plugin-replace to configure a timestamp initialized to now on each build, and so, the service worker will be regenerated/versioned on each build: this timestamp will help us since the service worker won't be regenerated/versioned if none source code changed (on your project you shouldn't want this behavior, you should want to only regenerate/version the service worker when your source code change).


We use the timestamp in the examples projects to avoid having to touch a file each time we need to test: for example, to test Prompt for update, we need to install the service worker first time (first build), then rebuild and restart the example project and finally refresh the browser to check the Prompt for update is shown.


如果你想运行任何示例项目,你需要把Vite Plugin PWA GitHub repo下载/克隆到本地计算机。

你需要 node 14 (或更新的)才能构建 Vite Plugin PWA


在遵循下面的说明之前,请阅读Contribution 指南

如果你还没有安装 PNPM, 你必须首先安装 npm:

npm install -g pnpm

一旦仓库在本地机器上,您必须安装项目依赖项并构建 vite-plugin-pwa 插件,只需运行(在克隆的本地 vite-plugin-pwa 目录):

pnpm install
pnpm run build

我们使用 PNPM ,但应该适用于任何 package manager ,例如 YARN :

yarn && yarn build


From here on, we will only show the commands to run the examples projects using PNPM, we leave it to you how to execute them with any other package manager.

Before we start running the examples projects, you should consider the following:

  • Use Chromium based browser: Chrome, Chromium or Edge
  • All the examples that are executed in this guide will be done over https, that is, all the projects will respond at address https://localhost
  • When testing an example project, the service worker will be installed in https://localhost, and so, subsequent tests in another examples projects may interfere with the previous test, because the service worker of the previous project will keep installed on the browser
  • Tests should be done on a private window, and so, browser addons/plugins will not interfere with the test

To avoid service worker interference, you should do the following tasks when switching between examples projects:

  • Open dev tools (Option + ⌘ + J on macOS, Shift + CTRL + J on Windows/Linux)
  • Go to Application > Storage, you should check following checkboxes:
    • Application: [x] Unregister service worker
    • Storage: [x] Local and session storage
    • Cache: [x] Cache storage and [x] Application cache
  • Click on Clear site data button
  • Go to Application > Service Workers and check the current service worker is missing or has the state deleted

Once we remove the service worker, run the corresponding script and just press browser Refresh button (or enter https://localhost on browser address).


To test any of the examples projects (or your project) on offline, just open dev tools (Option + ⌘ + J on macOS, Shift + CTRL + J on Windows/Linux) and go to Application > Network, then locate No throttling selector: open it and select Offline option.

A common pitfall is to select Offline option, then restart the example project (or your project), and refresh the page. In that case, you will have unexpected behavior, and you should remove the service worker.

If you click the browser Refresh button, you can inspect Application > Network tab on dev tools to check that the Service Worker is serving all assets instead request them to the server.


Don't do a hard refresh since it will force the browser to go to the server, and then you will get No internet connection page.



按照以下说明操作之前, 请先阅读 贡献指南.


cd vite-plugin-pwa
pnpm install
pnpm run build

要运行示例,请从 shell(从根文件夹)执行以下脚本,它将启动一个 CLI,您将在其中选择框架和 pwa 选项:

pnpm run examples

如果你没有首先运行 pnpm build , 你看能会看到像这样的错误, failed to load config 或者 Please verify that the package.json has a valid "main" entry.

